Runestone DR 108
September 9, 2021
The carvings of the stone are in the runestone style B-e-v (c. 1010-1050) pertaining to the Ringerike style and contemporary with Pr 1 and Pr 2.
The inscription is not signed.
The granite stone is c. 1,98 m tall, 1,25 m wide and 0,40 cm thick.
Runic inscription
The rune text is written using boustrophedon and begins at the bottom left corner.
ᛏᚢᛋᛏᛁ ᛬ ᚱᛁᛋᚦᛁ ᛬ ᛋᛏᛁᚾ ¶ ᚦᚭᚾᛋᛁ ᛬ ᛁᚠᛏ ᛬ ᛏᚢᚠᛅ ᛬ ᛁᛋ ¶ ᚢᛅᚱᚦ (᛬) ᛏᚢᚦᚱ ᛬ ᚢᛋᛏᚱ ᛬ ᛒᚢᚱᚦᚢ¶ᚱ ᛬ ᛋᛁᚾ ᛬ ᛋᛘᛁᚦᚱ ᛬ ᚭᛋᚢᛁᚦᛅᛦ
tusti ¤ risþi ¤ stin ¶ þonsi ¤ ift ¤ tufa ¤ is ¶ uarþ (:) tuþr : ustr : burþu¶r ¤ sin ¤ smiþr ¤ osuiþaʀ
Old Norse
Tosti resþi sten þænsi æft Tofa, æs warþ døþr østr, broþur sin, smiþr AswiþaR.
Tosti, Ásviðr’s smith, raised this stone in memory of Tófi, his brother, who died in the east.
Kolind, Djursland, Denmark
DR 108