Runestone Sö 130
August 12, 2021
The carvings of the stone are in the runestone style Pr 1 (c. 1010-1040) pertaining to the Ringerike style.
The inscription is not signed.
The granite stone is c. 1,82 m tall, 0,92 m wide and 0,35 m thick.
Runic inscription
The first part of the rune text begins at the tail end of the animal. The second part runs along the ribbon body of the serpent beginning nearest to where the first part ended. The third part runs along the left edge of the stone outside the ribbon body of the animal beginning at the bottom near right above the serpent’s head. The fourth and last part is carved on another side of the stone and begins at the bottom going upwards.
§A [1] ᛬ ᚠᛁᚢᚱᛁᛦ ᛬ ᚴᛁᚱᚦᚢ ᛬ ᛅᛏ ᛬ ᚠᛅᚦᚢᚱ ᛬ ᚴᚢᚦᛅᚾ ᛬ ᛏᚤᚱᚦ ᛬ ᛏᚱᛁᚴᛂᛚᛅ [2] ᛬ ᛅᛏ ᛬ ᛏᚢᛘᛅᚱᛅ ᛬ ᛘᛁᛚᛏᛅᚾ ᛬ ᚢᚱᚦᛅ ᚢᚴ ᛬ ᛘᛅᛏᛅᛦ [3] ᚴᚢᚦᛅᚾ ᛬ ᚦᛅᛏ ᛬ (ᚢ)-(ᚼ)—(ᚢ)–(ᚢ)(ᚴ)(ᚦ) §B ᚼ=ᛅ ᛚ=ᚠᚴᛁᚱᚦᚢ ᛬ ᚮ
§A fiuriʀ : kirþu : at : faþur : kuþan : tyrþ : trikela : at : tumara : miltan : urþa uk : mataʀ kuþan : þat * (u)-(h)—(u)–(u)(k)(þ) §B h=a l=fkirþu o
Old Norse
§A FiuriR gærðu
at faður goðan
dyrð drængila
at Domara/domara,
mildan orða
ok mataR goðan,
þat …
§B Hann(?) fiall(?) [i(?)] Garðum(?) …
§A Four (sons) made the magnificence
in memory of (their) good father,
in memory of Dómari/the judge,
gentle in speech
and free with food …
§B He(?) fell(?) in(?) Garðar(?) (Russia) …
The inscription is in the alliterative verse form fornyrðislag.
The animal head of the rune ribbon have been reconstructed. The top crossing bar on the cross have been reconstructed.
Hagstugan, Södermanland, Sweden
Sö 130