Jonas Lau Markussen

Runestone Sö 171

The style of the carvings of the rock face is most likely equivalent to the runestone style Pr 2 (c. 1020-1050) pertaining to the late Ringerike style or Pr 3 (c. 1045-1075) pertaining to the early Urnes style.


The inscription is not signed.


The carving is c. 1,60 m tall and 1,03 m wide.



Runic inscription

The rune text begins to the left, where the ribbon splits below the centre of the cross.



(ᛁ)ᚾᚴ(ᛁ)ᚠ(ᛅ)[ᛋ]ᛏᚱ ᛫ ᛚ[ᛁ](ᛏ) (ᚼ)(ᛅ)ᚴᚢ[ᛅ][᛫] ᛋᛏ(ᛅ)[ᛁ]ᚾ ᛫ ᛂᚠᛏᛁᛦ ᛫ ᛋᛁᚼᚢᛁᚦ ᛫ ᚠᛅᚦ[ᚢ]ᚱ ᛫ ᛋᛁ[ᚾ ᛫ ᚼᛅᚾ ᛫ ᚠᛁᛅᛚ ᛫ ᛁ ᚼ]ᚢᛚ(ᛘ)[ᚴᛅᚱᚦᛁ ᛫ ᛋᚴᛅᛁᚦᛅᛦ ᛫ ᚢᛁᛋᛁ ᛘᛁ]ᚦ ᛫ ᛋᚴᛁ[ᛒᛅ]ᚱᛅ



(i)nk(i)f(a)[s]tr * l[i](t) (h)(a)ku… st(a)…n * eftiʀ * sihuiþ * faþ-r * si[n * han * fial * i h]ul(m)[karþi * skaiþaʀ * uisi mi]þ * ski…ra


Old Norse

Ingifastr let haggv[a] stæ[i]n æftiR Sigvið, fað[u]r sinn.

Hann fioll
i Holmgarði,
skæiðaR visi
með ski[pa]ra.



Ingifastr had the stone cut in memory of Sigviðr, his father.

He fell
in Holmgarðr,
the ship’s leader
with the seamen.



The last part of the text is half a stanza in fornyrðislag.

Holmgarðr means Novgorod.




Esta, Södermanland, Sweden

Sö 171

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