Runestone U 283
March 3, 2022
The carvings of the stone were in the runestone style Pr 3 (c. 1045-1075) pertaining to the early Urnes style.
The inscription was not signed.
The granite stone was c. 1,65 m tall and 1,50 m wide.
Runic inscription
The rune text begins at the head end of the animal.
× ᛋᛁᛒᛁ × ᛅᚢᚴ × ᛁᚱᛘᚢᚾᛏᚱ × ᛅᚢᚴ × ᚦᚬᚱᛁᛦ × ᛚᛁᛏᚢ × ᚱᛅᛁᛋᛅ × ᛋᛏᛅᛁᚾ × ᛁᚠᛏᛁᛦ × ᛋ(ᚢ)[ᛅᛁᚾ × ᚠᛅᚦᚢᚱ ᛋᛁᚾ] × (ᚼ)(ᛅ)ᚾ × ᛏᚬ × ᛅᚢᛋᛏᚱ × ᛋᚢᚾ × ᚴᛁᛋᛘᚢᚾᛏᛅᛦ
[× sibi × auk × irmuntr × auk × þoriʀ × litu × raisa × stain × iftiʀ × s(u)[ain × faþur sin] (h)(a)n × to × austr × sun × kismuntaʀ]
Old Norse
Sibbi ok Ærnmundr ok ÞoriR letu ræisa stæin æftiR S(u)[æin faþur sin.] Hann do austr, sunn GismundaR.
Sibbi and Ernmundr and Thórir had the stone raised in memory of their father Sveinn. He, Gísmundr’s son, died in the east.
Runestone U 283 is now lost. It has been reconstructed here based on a drawing by Peringskiöld documenting the stone sometime in the 17th century.
It is possible to reconstruct the missing part of the runic text with some certainty due to the formalistic manner of its content. The name of Gísmundr’s son can not be determined with certainty but is likely to have been ‘Sveinn’. He was most likely the father of Sibbi and his brothers, not their brother.
Torsåker, Uppland, Sweden
U 283