Runestone U 974
March 26, 2020
The carvings of the stone are in the runestone style Pr 5 (c. 1100-1130) pertaining to the late Urnes style.
Though the inscription is not signed, it is attributed to the runemaster Öpir for stylistic reasons.
The granite stone is c. 1,33 m tall and 0,68 m wide.
Runic inscription
The first part of the rune text begins with the last word at the tail end of the animal. The second part begins at the head end of the animal.
[1] ᚦᛅᛁᛦ ᛫ [2] ᛁᚿᚴᚢᛚᚠᚱ ‘ ᚢᚴ ‘ ᚤᚿᛏᚱ ‘ ᛚᛁᛏᚢ ‘ ᚱᛆᛁᛋᛅ ‘ ᛋᛏ(ᛆ)[ᛁ]ᚿ ᛁ(ᚠ)ᛏᛁᛦ ᛁᚿᚴᛁᛅᛚᛏ ‘ ᛒᚱᚭᚦᚢᚱ ᛋᛁᚾ ᚢᚴ ‘ ᛋᚢᚿ ‘ ᚴᚢᚿᚢᛚᚠᛋ ‘
þaiʀ inkulfr ‘ uk ‘ yntr ‘ litu ‘ raisa ‘ st(a)-n i(f)tiʀ inkialt ‘ broþur sin uk ‘ sun ‘ kunulfs *
Old Norse
ÞæiR IngulfR ok Øyndr letu ræisa stæ[i]n æftiR Ingiald, broður sinn ok sun Gunnulfs.
Ingulfr and Eyndr, they had the stone raised in memory of Ingjaldr, their brother and Gunnulfr’s son.
Jädra, Uppland, Sweden
U 974