The Näsby Stone — U 455
January 17, 2019
The carvings of the stone are in the runestone style Pr4 pertaining to the Urnes style.
Though the inscription is not signed, it is attributed to the runemaster Fot for stylistic reasons.
The granite stone is c. 3 m high, 1,05 m wide and 0,28 m thick. The rune ribbon is c. 6,5 cm wide.
The ribbon body of the top beast contains the first part of the inscription [A], and the bottom beast contain the second part [B].
Runic inscription
[A] × ᛁᚾᚴᛁᚠᛅᛋᛏᚱ × ᛚᛁᛏ × ᚱᛅᛁᛋᛅ × ᛋᛏᛅᛁᚾ × ᚦᛁᚾᛅ ᛅᛏ × ᚦᚬᚱᚴᛁᛚ × ᚠᛅᚦᚱ × ᛋᛁᚾ × ᛅᚢᚴ ᛅᛏ ᚴᚢᚾᛁᛚᛏᛁ [B] ᛘᚬᚦᚢᚱ ᛋᛁᚾᛅ × ᚦᛅᚢ ᛏᚱᚢᚴᚾᛅᚦᚢ × ᛒᛅᚦᛁ
× inkifastr + lit × raisa × stain × þina at þorkil × faþur sin (a)uk at kunilti moþur sina þa(u) truknaþu × baþi
Old Norse
Ingifastr let ræisa stæin þenna at Þorkel, faður sinn, ok at Gunnhildi, moður sina. Þau drunknaðu baði.
Ingifastr had this stone raised in memory of Þorkell, his father, and in memory of Gunnhildr, his mother. They both drowned.
Näsby, Uppland, Sweden
U 455