The Alstad Stone, N 61 and N 62
January 13, 2022
The carvings of the stone are in the runestone style Pr 1 (c. 1010-1040) pertaining to the Ringerike style.
The inscriptions are not signed.
The sandstone is c. 2,70 m tall, 0,52 m wide and 0,13 m thick.
Runic inscription
The first part of the rune text runs from the bottom to the top of the side of the stone. The second part runs horisontally across the front of the stone in three stacked ribbons. The third part runs vertically upwards just above the second part at the left edge of the stone.
[1] ᛁᚢᚱᚢᚾ ᛬ ᚱᛅᛁᛋ(ᛏ)ᛁ ᛬ ᛋ(ᛏ)ᛅᛁᚾ ᛬ ᚦᛁᚾᛅ ᛬ ᛅᚠ(ᛏ)ᛁᚱ (᛬) ᛅᚢ-ᛅᚢᚾ- ᛬ ᛁᛋ ᛬ (ᚼ)ᛅᚾᛅ ᛬ [ᛅᛁ](ᛏ)ᛁ ᛬ ᛅᚢᚴ ᛬ ᚠᚢᚱᚦᛁ ᛬ ᛅᚠ ᛬ ᚼᚱᛁᚴᛅᚱᛁᚴᛁ ᛬ ᚢ(ᛏ)ᛅᚾ᛬ ᚢᚱ ᚢᛚ(ᚠ)᛬ᛅᚢᛁ[ᚢ]
[2] × ᛅᚢᚴ ᛬ (ᛉ)ᚢᚾᛏᛅ᛬ᛋᛏᛅᛁᚾ ᛬ [ᛉ]–[ᛏ]ᛁᚱ ᛬ ᚦᚢᛋᛁ ×
[3] × ᛁᚴᛚᛁ × ᚱᛂᛁᛋᛐᛁ ᛌᛐᛂᛁᚿ ᚦᛆᚿᛆ ᛂᚠᛐᛁᚱ × ᚦᚮᚱᛆᛚ(ᛐ) ¶ ᛌᚢᚿ ᛌᛁᚿ ᛁᛌ ᚢᛆᚱᚦ ᛐᛆᚢᚦᚱ × ᛁ ᚢᛁᛐᛆᚼᚮᛚ(ᛉ)(ᛁ) ¶ ᛉᛁᚦᛚᛁ ᚢᛌᛐᛆᚢᛚᛉᛌ ᛆᚢᚴ ᚴᛆᚱᚦᛆ ×
iurun ¤ rais(t)i [¤] s(t)ain ¤ þina ¤ af(t)ir [¤] au-aun- ¤ is ¤ (h)ana ¤ –(t)i [¤] auk ¤ furþi ¤ af ¤ hrikariki ¤ u(t)an ¤ ur ul(f)¤aui-
× auk ¤ (m)unta¤stain ¤ —-ir ¤ þusi ×
× ikli × reisti stein þana eftir × þoral(t) sun sin is uarþ tauþr × i uitahol(m)(i) miþli ustaulms auk karþa ×
Old Norse
Jórunnr reisti stein þenna eptir 〈au-aun-〉 er hana [á]tti, ok fœrði af Hringaríki útan ór Ulfeyj[u].
Ok myndasteinn [mæt]ir þessi.
Engli reisti stein þenna eptir Þórald, son sinn, er varð dauðr í Vitaholmi, miðli Ustaholms ok Garða.
Jórunnr raised this stone in memory of who owned her (ie. was her husband), and (she) brought (it) out of Hringaríki, from Ulfey.
And the picture-stone venerates them.
Engli raised this stone in memory of Thóraldr, his son, who died in Vitaholmr – between Ustaholmr and Garðar (Russia).
Alstad, Toten, Oppland, Norway (Now Kulturhistorisk Museum, Oslo)
N 61, N 62