The Tröllaskógur Brooch
October 25, 2018
Illustration of the silver Urnes style openwork brooch from Tröllaskógur, Iceland.
The original has two rows of dots inlaid with niello running along the middle of the main limbs of the large beast (not shown here).
Brooches with the same exact layout and decorations have also been found around Oslo, Norway. Though these two specimens are not as well preserved as the one from Iceland.
Tröllaskógur, Suðurland, Iceland.
Þjóðminjasafn Íslands (National Museum of Iceland)
Jong Østre, Hestehagen, Bærum, Akershus, Norway.
Universitetets Oldsaksamling (the University’s Collection of National Antiquities)
Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
Universitetets Oldsaksamling (the University’s Collection of National Antiquities)